It's been too long since I wrote here. I have found myself struggling greatly with what to write. Not wanting to sound like I am whining, or complaining. Not sure how to put words to all my thoughts and emotions. So, just kinda holding all those close in my heart for now. As I process it all, I will be sharing some of them in later blogs.
. . .
What's been going on in my life since I wrote last?
*Well, we enjoyed our youngest grandson's 20th birthday "shin-dig" - - had lots of good food, much laughter, a bunch of sweet hugs, and a long night of celebration!
*Then, this past weekend I was blessed to be invited to a gender reveal party. She's a GIRL!
*I have started a part-time job of doing some housekeeping for an elderly gentleman. Working a few hours each Wednesday. Enjoying getting out of the house, and feeling useful again.
*I also traded my truck for an Audi SUV. Been working on getting to know it, as well as making sure it is road worthy and safe.
*I have been going thru a mountain of pictures - and I still have several mountains to go. Trying to put some names and dates on them, as well as the where and why of them. Not only for my own personal information, but in years to come someone may see them and have the same kind of wonderings that I have now in looking at my Momma's pictures and trying to remember her stories of each one.
*Met with the landlord last week to pay the rent. He has requested that I water the peach tree in the backyard and the 2 bushes in the front yard - due to the dry weather conditions, and heat of Texas summer. I absolutely understand, but I have to get a water hose and locking nozzle for the front yard - then have either grandson or granddaughter stop by and hook it up for me. The faucet is actually under the ground, and I cannot get on my knees to hook it up. This poor yard looks pitiful - it's mostly weeds to begin with, but now, it's crunchy brown weeds!
*I am hoping to be able to make a trip this month to see our daughter, granddaughter and new great-granddaughter. Trying hard not to build "hope" on it all - "hope deferred makes the heart sick" - and Lord only knows how hard my heart has taken sick these last few weeks. Sigh.
*I am also beginning the arduous task of minimizing and organizing everything. Online and in real life. So much has become nothing more than fillers. And at this point, I am beyond ready to be rid of the fillers. If I have something, I need it to mean something.
Sharing some pictures of what's been going on - -
Shell's 20th Birthday Shindig :)

Congratulations on baby GIRL :)
Out of the mists of my memories - -
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