My thoughts
LORD, YOU see all.
The thoughts being shared here are loosely (often VERY loosely) based on the book by Sarah Young,
"Jesus Calling, Enjoying Peace in His Presence".
I have read this devotional day by day, more than once now.
But for some reason, this time is different.
Deep introspection into me, my life, and my faith.
As a Christian.
As a woman.
As Rick's widow.
As Momma, Mother-in-law, Grannee, and Great-Grannee.
A growing in insight and understanding about this life that I strive to live (especially when the struggle is very real) & the walking and talking with the LORD.
Jesus Calling, Enjoying Peace in His Presence is the work of Sarah Young.
A daily devotional published by Thomas Nelson, Nashville TN, a registered trademark of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc.
(These thoughts are only loosely based on what is written in this book, therefore, no permission is required.)
Scripture quotations are from the ESV Bible© (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version), copyright© 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.
Used by permission.
All rights reserved.
Notes following Scripture quotations are my own words and work. ©Margaret McCoy, TX
LORD, YOU see all.
LORD . . . GOD . . .
LORD, I need YOU . . .
LORD, there is so much that is to be given thanks for.
LORD, I bow before YOU . . . YOU are the Truth, the Life, the Way . . . I desire no other.
LORD, when I wake up in the mornings it’s like anxieties are standing all around me – waiting for my eyes to open, waiting for that first morning deep breath.
LORD, there is so much I do not understand.
LORD, when I am afraid, I trust in YOU . . .
LORD, it’s hard to Thank YOU and Praise YOU sometimes.
LORD, time either seems to stand still – it’s hard to wrap my mind around the fact that it has been 9+ years since Rick died.
LORD, YOU have said that I would find YOU if I seek YOU – with my whole heart.
LORD GOD, I am YOURS . . .
LORD, please help me laugh more.
LORD, I find myself wondering a lot about others – their walk with YOU.
LORD, the silence is so loud.
LORD GOD, Thank YOU for Loving me with an Everlasting Love.
LORD, when my humanity is crying so loud and incessantly it’s hard to focus on anything but the source of the pain and problems.
LORD, sing over me – quieting me with YOUR Love.
LORD, I want to be all YOURS . . .
LORD, I need YOU . . .
LORD, there is nothing special about me.
LORD, I want YOU to be Central in my entire being.
GOD, I don’t ask that YOU swoop in and completely rescue me from all trials and troubles.
LORD, my mind is spinning with thoughts, ideas, wonderings.
LORD, time means nothing to YOU.
LORD, please anoint me with YOUR Presence.
LORD, I need YOU . . . more
LORD, I remember Rick used to say that the only thing that never changes about life is that it changes.
LORD, this world, my humanity – too much me.
LORD, my heart, my mind, and my soul – as well as this old body – are tired.
LORD, open my eyes to see YOU in this day.
LORD GOD, Creator of all Heaven and earth, of the universe.
LORD, there is much that weighs heavily on my heart, mind and soul this morning.
LORD, my humanity cries out to feel YOUR Presence.
LORD, YOU know my thoughts for this day, for my life.
LORD GOD, YOU are a GOD of abundance.
LORD, teach me to seek YOU as Friend, and Lover of my soul.
What a Mighty GOD we serve!
LORD, the burdens are heavy to my soul this morning.
LORD, teach me how to relate to others through YOUR Love, rather than mine.
LORD, there looks to be a lot of problems in my life – and in the lives of my children.
LORD, all these trials and troubles – they have served to open my eyes, and my heart, to the realization of how much I need YOU . . .
LORD, my mistakes.
LORD, my humanity is afraid.
LORD our GOD, it is so easy to think about the things that would make me feel more secure, or more at ease.
Thank YOU GOD for confirmations and assurances.