Thank YOU GOD . . .
- For YOUR Mercies that are new every morning.
- For YOUR Love that is everlasting and longsuffering.
- For YOUR Understanding and Compassion that are unsearchable and without ending.
- For YOUR Grace. Amazing Grace. Grace that is greater than all our sin. Grace that is greater than all my sin.
- For knowing me, just as I am.
- For accepting me, just as I am.
- For understanding me, so completely.
- For Loving me – more than I am, more than I deserve.
- For not casting me away from YOUR Presence.
- For not taking YOUR SPIRIT from me.
- For taking my sin away – as far as the east is from the west, from One outstretched Arm to the Other.
- For casting my iniquities into the sea of forgetfulness, to be remembered no more forever.
- For there being now no condemnation for those who are in CHRIST JESUS . . . for the Law of the SPIRIT of Life has set me free from the law of sin and death.
GOD, I do not understand.
But THANK YOU . . .
Thank YOU GOD for the warmth of YOUR Presence upon me.
Thank YOU GOD for delighting in me, for singing over me – and quieting me with YOUR LOVE . . .
Thank YOU GOD for seeing the Robe of CHRIST’S Righteousness instead of my filthy rags.
Thank YOU GOD for not using guilt as a means of motivation.
Thank YOU GOD for the assurance of YOUR Perfect LOVE . . . which casts out all fear.
: Isaiah 61:10 – I will greatly rejoice in the Lord; my soul shall exult in my God, for He has clothed me with the garments of Salvation; He has covered me with the robe of Righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself like a priest with a beautiful headdress, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
- Thank YOU GOD . . . that this is YOU doing this. Not me.
: Romans 8:1-2 – There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.
- Thank YOU GOD!!!!! Thank YOU . . .

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