I love words.
I love to research words.
I enjoy finding the true meaning of words.
I am a “word-ographer” LOL
– and no, that’s not a word! LOL
Having been called each of these words in the last couple of years, I decided to look up the original meaning of each.
I realize that in this age people have attached new meanings to these words – and sadly, 75% - 90% of those meanings are far from the original.
Fascist –
One who believes in an authoritarian form of government.
Extremely intolerant.
With oppressive ideas and/or behavior.
Domineering views and practices.
- I am extremely intolerant of rude behavior.
- However, I do not believe in oppression. In ideas, or behaviors.
- Does that make me classed as a “Fascist”?
Conservative –
One who is averse to change or innovation.
Holding to traditional values.
Favors democracy, free enterprise & private ownership.
- I do hold to traditional values, for my own self.
- However, I do not try to impose my values on anyone.
- But, I love innovations – new ideas and ways.
- I do favor democracy, free enterprise, and private ownership.
- Does that make me a “Conservative”?
Liberal –
One who is willing to respect and/or accept behavior or opinions different from their own.
Open to new ideas.
Believes in individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.
- I respect and honor the different opinions and convictions of others. Isn’t that what being American is about? - I am open to new ideas – at least to listening, considering, perhaps even trying new things. Even if I don’t choose to stick with it.
- I believe each one of us have rights – and those rights should be guarded and protected.
- I have already said that I favor democracy and free enterprise.
- Does that make me a “Liberal”?
Humanistic –
A perspective that emphasizes the whole individual and their potential for growth.
A devotion to the humanities – compassionate, sympathetic, generous behavior.
One who clings to philosophy, the arts, languages.
- I believe that we should love and care for the whole individual, ourselves included.
- I believe that each one has the potential for growth – which is change.
- I have a compassionate spirit, a sympathetic heart. Rick said that I would give my last dollar, or the shirt off my back.
- I love philosophy, the arts, and languages.
- Does that make me “Humanistic”?
What would I be called – since I can identify with each of these in their original meanings, at least in part?
Rick would say – “Strange and weird” LOL
Why have I been called each of these?
Because I do not think like the one who labels me.
I find it very ironic that those who shout the loudest about being tolerant and accepting – are 9 out of 10 times, the least tolerant and accepting.
Especially of those who have different viewpoints, or convictions of life.
And no, I am not trying to "ride the line".
Just reflecting on the original meaning of words, remembering my Sweetheart's tolerance for me . . .
Simply my Coffee thoughts this Friday morning.
Maybe I need more coffee.
Maybe I need less morning.
Maybe I need to stop thinking.

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