LORD, Thank YOU for always being with me.
Thank YOU for helping me.
Thank YOU for understanding me so completely.
LORD, help me not take anything about this life so seriously.
It’s all relative.
To the day.
To the person saying/doing things.
To the one (me) on the receiving end.
Everyone, including me, has their opinions.
And many are a bit too free in sharing those opinions sometimes – in my opinion 😉
LORD, when frustrations pound against me, please show me how YOU would have me deal with them.
Like when I am being told what to do, and how to do it.
When I am talked to like I am a child, who needs to be “raised right”.
I am almost 63 years old!
I have been a widow for 9+ years!
After being married for right at 35 years!
I have grown kids and grandkids – that I either raised or helped in one form or another to raise.
I am not perfect.
First one to admit that 😉
Yes, I know my faults and flaws, but I also know my value and my worth.
I am not too old to learn new things.
In fact, I love learning!
I love to be taught.
However, I do not enjoy being talked down to, especially by those younger than me who have NO idea what MY life is all about!
As a Southern woman, I just want to say, “Bless their hearts!”
As a Texas woman, I want to tell them just how far they go into some nether world with their words and suggestions!
But as YOURS, GOD, how do I deal with all of this?
How do I lighten up and laugh?
How do I live in this continual dependence on YOU, even in these times?
How do I relax and watch to see what YOU are doing?
LORD, I don’t want to be trapped in this frustration and discouragement – about words!
Please, in these moments when I don’t see YOU, and it’s so hard to hear YOUR Voice – open my eyes to see YOU, open my ears to hear YOUR Voice.
Show me how to break free and receive YOUR Help, and to focus on YOU.
Finding Peace in YOUR Presence.
In JESUS’ NAME I ask . . .
: Philippians 4:13 – I can do all things through Him Who strengthens me.
- LORD, help me lean on YOU.
: Proverbs 17:22 – A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
- LORD, help me to laugh.

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