LORD, there are days when I feel strong and can make it.
And there are days when I barely stand, days when I want nothing more than to crumple and cave into the recliner with my blanket around me for comfort and my eyes closed to the world in which I now live.
Today, I find myself on this pendulum ride between the 2.
That seems to be my more permanent place these days.
51% strong enough & 49% ain’t no way I can.
It doesn’t take much to push me over either way!
Psalm 131 is playing on a loop in my head and in my heart.
It’s all I can think about and feel.
GOD, this is too much for me.
I need YOU . . . more than I have ever realized.
For every move I make, every breath I take.
GOD, I need YOU . . .
There is nothing that I want to do alone.
There is no decision I feel capable of making.
There are no steps I feel confident in taking.
GOD, I need YOU . . .
: Psalm 46:1 – God is our Refuge and Strength, a very Present Help in trouble.
- O GOD, how I need YOU for these troubles . . . sigh.
: Psalm 63:7-8 – For You have been my Help, and in the shadow of Your Wings I will sing for joy. My soul clings to You; Your Right Hand upholds me.
- That word, “cling” – GOD, YOU are my Life, my Hope, my Prayer.
: James 1:2-3 – Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
- GOD, it’s hard! To count it all joy when met with these trials. The humanity in me cries out for MERCY, for Peace, for Relief. GOD, whatever brings YOU the Glory – but please, have MERCY.

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